10 Rules to Create the Best Sales Deck

  1. Ideal length is only 5 slides; maximum 7

  2. The logo slide is the most commonly viewed element

  3. Remove technical jargon and stick to direct speech

  4. Decks should allow sales people to personalise key components based on meeting notes

  5. Pricing should either display one clear option or three choices, with the one you want them to select most featured in the middle

  6. Try to use call or meeting recordings to include as many quotes from them as to why they should proceed in their own words, minimizing your own language

  7. Add a video running the prospect through the deck and the key areas

  8. Imagine your materials are forwarded internally, are they clear enough so that anyone with no background could understand the main premise

  9. Implement an internal approvals process or desk desk - to check for typos and pricing errors

  10. Send it within 24 hours or not at all


The Ideal Meeting Follow Up Template


Closing the Sale: 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong